Friday, August 26, 2011


I forgot. I went to the dentist twice this week. The first time they did a check and one of those standard type mouth xrays. Pretty much, I need at least $3000 worth of dental stuff done. I neeeeeed....a filling, and the polishy thing with a fluoride treatment, and...2 crowns. On the teeth that have had root canals. I don't recall, all those years ago, being informed that I would require them at a later stage. They could only see one of my wisdom teeth, hence the second appointment.

The second one, involved an...I want to say ECG. I'm not sure that's right though. But it's an xray that does the majority of your face, from ear to ear kinda thing and up to about eye height. It sounded freaking futuristic. It made all the whirs and shit that comes with futuristic machines in the movies. And guess what?! I only have 3 wisdom teeth. Two on the bottom that are coming up(but not moving because they're blocked by teeth) on a meeeeean angle. The one on the top isn't even at the back of my teeth, it's kinda mid way along the back, above my teeth. I have no idea how they're going to get that one out, cos normally they make a hole and remove it that way,'s just not even possible to do that. I was supposed to make an appointment with the specialist this week. I haven't. I'll do it on Monday.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dinner and a Movie.


I thought I should blog. Because, I can't be bothered doing my assignment. sucks balls. I mean, seriously, it sucks real hard. I hate it. I also hate the entire course, with it's course material written by racist chimpanzees, and incomplete assignment questions, and...ugh, it's just shitty.

So I'm blogging. Also, GUESS WHAT?! I HAVE A DATE TOMORROW NIGHT. I'm gonna call him...A. We're going to eat some things and then go to a movie - we're gonna watch The Guard at Paramount. I met him at a soiree last Saturday (yes, I did use that word), and I may have gone home with him...there were some minor alcohol related complications, so we're gonna try again. He's an architecture student, last year of his...masters? grad...? It's to do with architecture, and he's doing his final year. He's also 22. And I think he's kinda cute. And sweet. And smart, which is also quite excellent.

AND THEN!!!! I have another date on Monday. With another guy. YES! THAT IS CORRECT! I'm well chuffed.

I'm going to talk about the rest of the things I'm going to do this weekend first though, before I return to the talk of date #2.

Saturday night, I'm going to the fetish ball. I'll post a picture of my outfit maybe before I go out or perhaps the next day or something. I'm going to wear my corset, black ruffly undies, and stockings...maybe...I'm not sure if I'll wear the nude with black back seams or red back seams. I haven't decided. And the riding crop is coming to party too. I got heel grips for my shoes so I can wear them without having to walk REALLY awkwardly, trying to keep my feet inside my heels. I wish I could wear the red ones. I can't walk in them. It wouldn't be practical at all. But I love them.

And then, on Sunday, I'm going out for dinner with the family. Not my father. I should probably make some form of contact with him soon though I suppose. Because It's fathers day, and, you know, I guess it's what I'm sposed to do. It's not like he's tried to contact me at all in the past...almost 6 months. But I guess I should. I've actually avoided him in the street. But anyway, it's the baby bro's birthing day, so we'll go out for dinner and he's inviting some friends(I like them so I'm happy!)

And then on MONDAY. So, date number two.
26/08/2011: (I started writing this yesterday and then got sidetracked by actually doing my job).

Okay, so, continuing what I was saying about date number two. Ummm, talked to him via the emails a little bit more today, and this is where we're going

I don't understand at least half of what the menu says. I'm contemplating just sitting with google images and the menu and typing in all the things I don't know. He's mid to late 30's(this is based on my quiet investigative work and looking at his education history...). I'm a creeper. What can I say? I don't doubt he's already looked for me on the internets. Because that is unfortunately, the time that we're living in. (He doesn't have fb by the way, I already tried to find him...). T-bag thinks he's creepy. I think that's mostly because he isn't in his 20's. Sometimes I forget she's so young, and then other times it seems so blindingly obvious. And anyway, even if he does turn out to be creepy, or it's weird, or whatever, I'll still get to eat some tasty cheese, and drink some wine, and maybe even have snail and chorizo risotto.

I'ma go now. I think. I could ramble for hours I'm sure. Oh, and just so you know, I fail at paying phone bills, so therefore, I do not have the internets at home at the moment. Probably until Monday, hopefully not any later...Procrastination is a terrible thing. But, with no internet, it should make it easier to stay on task with my assignment which I intend on completing tomorrow while I am not hung over and still have some form of brain power available.

I'll let you know how date #1 goes on Monday. And then #2 on Tuesday.


Friday, August 5, 2011

This complaint is about me. I just...I just love it.

'I arrived at the bus stop near Glover St in Ngauranga Gorge at around 5.40pm, and checked the timetable.

the next bus was due at 5.55, not too long I thought. only fifteen minutes.

At about 6, I rang metlink as it was dark, and I am tired of standing at the bus stop for forty minutes or more _EVERY_ day, and explained the situation.

the girl that answered the phone was rude and disinterested, and said a bus would be there at quarter past. While we were talking, the 53 bus went past, without turning to the left to the bus stop, even though I could clearly see it had passengers. When I explained this to the girl in the metlink call centre she insisted that the 53 was not in service and was going into town to pick up its last run, and that it did not stop at this bus stop after about half past four. I pointed out that the schedule behind me stated three buses were due at this bus stop at 5.55, 5.59 and so on.

Her tone was rude, and she all but told me to get stuffed. I pointed out that it was pitch black and that I felt her customer service was lacking, and she marely stated a bus would be there at 6.15, and when I pointed out that the timetables posted were apparently wrong, despite the date on them being 20th feb, 2011, she again made her lack of interest clear.

When a bus did finally show up, in a friendly voice, I joked that it was good to see a bus finally stop and that I had seen the 53 go past, and the male driver in a rude tone said 'it's out of service IT'S OUT OF SERVICE'.

Your customer service sucks, you need to sort out your time tables, And update ones that are posted at bus stops.

I'm sick of waiting forty minutes EVERY day to catch a bus. It's not acceptable.

This is what the bus company said in return:

It was explained to Jessica that the lady in the office was not being rude but helpful. Jessica became very aggressive on the phone, and said she will start walking as she had missed the bus. Operations got the bus to turn around to pick her up. She became abusive to that driver also. She said she will lay a complaint which is why it went to Metlink. Complaint could not be signed off due to the verbal abuse.

I remember talking to this woman. She was a bitchface. A crazy, crazy bitchface.

Getting this complaint to sign off in the system made my day a little.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

And so I realised...

That I'm feeling rather depressed at the moment. Not massively depressed, I have no desire to hurt myself or do anything retarded, I'm just quite down. Things are getting to me. Probably why I've been so angrys. Probably why I've been feeling rather agitated.

I realised this while walking home yesterday, reflecting on the fact that I had almost cried whilst looking at pictures of puppies on the SPCA website. They're so adorable, and I want one. And until I have a house I can't have one.

Okay. A butt check out is apparently enough to lift my mood.Unfortunately not entirely, but it made things a little bit better for that brief moment of time.

I think a contributing factor is more than likely the fact that I was pretty much house bound for a week(apart from the 3 days I managed to drag myself off to work), due to the zickness. And that's a typo but I like it. I think also the whole disappoint being an apparent theme for my life thing is a bit of a downer also. At least I still have good butt. Actually, I'm digging my body at the moment. I didn't go to pole twice last week, and I think that's also a contributing factor in the downward direction, but the coughing kept my abs strong. I hope. I'm kinda scared to go back tonight because it always destroys when you haven't been in a while, and I'm still not at optimum wellness, and HOLY CRAP FUNNY BONES ARE NOT FUNNY. EVER.

I reestablished for myself the age old lesson of too much fruit being a bad thing. I ate a banana, 2 nectarines, and 2 apples. It made a speedy exit this morning. Kind of convenient I guess because I'm always pushed for time in the mornings and I much prefer a morning poo to an evening one.

Yes. I'm talking about poos. Work is REALLY BORING today. Really boring. I should probably do some study. Yeah. I might do that.

I really hope that my corset arrives today. THat would make my day. Possibly make my week. I was all excited that it was potentially at home when I was walking home yesterday. It was kind of disappointing when it wasn't there. It is my shining light at the moment. Like, that thing that I'm really looking forward to. I worry a little about what I'll use as my quick fix for happiness once it arrives. Hahaha nah, I'm sure it'll be sweet, I'll just put it on and prance around and everything will be okay again.

Meh. Bored. Study. Process complaint from last night. Yes. Mmmmm. Don't want to but know I should. Oooooh, I've almost taken a third of the calls. There are 4 people on. That's right, I'm awesome.

UGH! Something else that's getting to me, is people wanting to make silly choices. And when I say silly, I mean, just, why? And not listening to reason. Listen to my reason. Accept my knowledge. Don't do something so so silly. And not good silly either, just in case that was unclear. We're not talking about wearing a pandaclava to the supermarket, or drawing on a ridiculous moustache before walking to the shops, we're talking full on, resentment causing, will regret for extended periods of time kind of silly. Don't do it!

I think I should really look into getting contacts. My allergic conjunctivitis isn't such an issue these days...probably the removal of myself from intensely allergen filled environments helps. I feel bad for not visiting Matty while he's staying at my mums. It would destroy me though. I'm so over being rashy, and I just got not sick, and I'd rather not mess with my delicate inner workings.

Miss you guys. You know who you are.