Friday, August 5, 2011

This complaint is about me. I just...I just love it.

'I arrived at the bus stop near Glover St in Ngauranga Gorge at around 5.40pm, and checked the timetable.

the next bus was due at 5.55, not too long I thought. only fifteen minutes.

At about 6, I rang metlink as it was dark, and I am tired of standing at the bus stop for forty minutes or more _EVERY_ day, and explained the situation.

the girl that answered the phone was rude and disinterested, and said a bus would be there at quarter past. While we were talking, the 53 bus went past, without turning to the left to the bus stop, even though I could clearly see it had passengers. When I explained this to the girl in the metlink call centre she insisted that the 53 was not in service and was going into town to pick up its last run, and that it did not stop at this bus stop after about half past four. I pointed out that the schedule behind me stated three buses were due at this bus stop at 5.55, 5.59 and so on.

Her tone was rude, and she all but told me to get stuffed. I pointed out that it was pitch black and that I felt her customer service was lacking, and she marely stated a bus would be there at 6.15, and when I pointed out that the timetables posted were apparently wrong, despite the date on them being 20th feb, 2011, she again made her lack of interest clear.

When a bus did finally show up, in a friendly voice, I joked that it was good to see a bus finally stop and that I had seen the 53 go past, and the male driver in a rude tone said 'it's out of service IT'S OUT OF SERVICE'.

Your customer service sucks, you need to sort out your time tables, And update ones that are posted at bus stops.

I'm sick of waiting forty minutes EVERY day to catch a bus. It's not acceptable.

This is what the bus company said in return:

It was explained to Jessica that the lady in the office was not being rude but helpful. Jessica became very aggressive on the phone, and said she will start walking as she had missed the bus. Operations got the bus to turn around to pick her up. She became abusive to that driver also. She said she will lay a complaint which is why it went to Metlink. Complaint could not be signed off due to the verbal abuse.

I remember talking to this woman. She was a bitchface. A crazy, crazy bitchface.

Getting this complaint to sign off in the system made my day a little.

1 comment:

  1. Fuck, man. I don't know how you deal with people like that. I take off my proverbial hat to you.
