Tuesday, August 2, 2011

And so I realised...

That I'm feeling rather depressed at the moment. Not massively depressed, I have no desire to hurt myself or do anything retarded, I'm just quite down. Things are getting to me. Probably why I've been so angrys. Probably why I've been feeling rather agitated.

I realised this while walking home yesterday, reflecting on the fact that I had almost cried whilst looking at pictures of puppies on the SPCA website. They're so adorable, and I want one. And until I have a house I can't have one.

Okay. A butt check out is apparently enough to lift my mood.Unfortunately not entirely, but it made things a little bit better for that brief moment of time.

I think a contributing factor is more than likely the fact that I was pretty much house bound for a week(apart from the 3 days I managed to drag myself off to work), due to the zickness. And that's a typo but I like it. I think also the whole disappoint being an apparent theme for my life thing is a bit of a downer also. At least I still have good butt. Actually, I'm digging my body at the moment. I didn't go to pole twice last week, and I think that's also a contributing factor in the downward direction, but the coughing kept my abs strong. I hope. I'm kinda scared to go back tonight because it always destroys when you haven't been in a while, and I'm still not at optimum wellness, and HOLY CRAP FUNNY BONES ARE NOT FUNNY. EVER.

I reestablished for myself the age old lesson of too much fruit being a bad thing. I ate a banana, 2 nectarines, and 2 apples. It made a speedy exit this morning. Kind of convenient I guess because I'm always pushed for time in the mornings and I much prefer a morning poo to an evening one.

Yes. I'm talking about poos. Work is REALLY BORING today. Really boring. I should probably do some study. Yeah. I might do that.

I really hope that my corset arrives today. THat would make my day. Possibly make my week. I was all excited that it was potentially at home when I was walking home yesterday. It was kind of disappointing when it wasn't there. It is my shining light at the moment. Like, that thing that I'm really looking forward to. I worry a little about what I'll use as my quick fix for happiness once it arrives. Hahaha nah, I'm sure it'll be sweet, I'll just put it on and prance around and everything will be okay again.

Meh. Bored. Study. Process complaint from last night. Yes. Mmmmm. Don't want to but know I should. Oooooh, I've almost taken a third of the calls. There are 4 people on. That's right, I'm awesome.

UGH! Something else that's getting to me, is people wanting to make silly choices. And when I say silly, I mean, just, why? And not listening to reason. Listen to my reason. Accept my knowledge. Don't do something so so silly. And not good silly either, just in case that was unclear. We're not talking about wearing a pandaclava to the supermarket, or drawing on a ridiculous moustache before walking to the shops, we're talking full on, resentment causing, will regret for extended periods of time kind of silly. Don't do it!

I think I should really look into getting contacts. My allergic conjunctivitis isn't such an issue these days...probably the removal of myself from intensely allergen filled environments helps. I feel bad for not visiting Matty while he's staying at my mums. It would destroy me though. I'm so over being rashy, and I just got not sick, and I'd rather not mess with my delicate inner workings.

Miss you guys. You know who you are.

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