Sunday, February 20, 2011


Last night, while having a bath, high, and eating water melon, I had an epiphany. A travelling epiphany. It goes like this:

This year, I'm not going to go to South America. Not because I don't want to, but because, presently, I don't have anyone to go with, and the more I think about it, the more certain I am that I shouldn't go there alone. I just don't think, as a lone white girl with big titties, that it would be safe.

Instead, I'm going to go to Australia for a few weeks, most likely go to Sydney for a bit and hang out with my uncle and aunt, then Adelaide and hang out with the family for a bit, and then I'll cruise to Melbourne, and hang at my uncles apartment in Melbourne, maybe go over to the beach house for a bit, I'm not too sure, but I'll figure that part out later.

And then, NEXT year, I'm going to do BIG travel. Maybe 4 months, maybe longer. I'm not sure. But I figure, if I have $5000 to go to aussie with, and then I just save like there's no tomorrow for Europe/South America/maybe North America too, then I should have enough funds to keep me afloat for a reasonable amount of time. Pretty much, I plan on visiting everyone I can in their new foreign homes. So I should have a couple of plays to stay in Europe/UK, and I can roam around between them, just book the bare essentials flight wise before I leave and kinda just wing it for the majority of the time. I'll have ideas of what I want to do/where I want to go, but nothing rigid, because you never know when you might decide that you love a place and want to spend 5 days there instead of two, or, you get somewhere and decide it's a shithole and you want to just keep going.

So yes. That is what I decided. As always, open to suggestions.

Oh. Also. Decided how that lil conversation is going to go(it was a magical bath full of magical ideas). Pretty much, I'm going to make him shut up and listen for starters. And then:

I really like you, but I want more than I'm currently getting. I understand that you don't necessarily want that, but I do. I want that stupid boyfriend crap. I'm quite happy to continue things the way that they are, but you should know that I am going to start dating other people, and, if I happen to meet someone that I'm serious about, the sexy business is going to have to stop.

I think that pretty much sums it up. I may not use those words, but, that's the gist of things. I'm trying to be a grown up, because I feel in this situation, not being a grown up will just go really badly for me, because of all the extra crap surrounding it. And when I say crap, I mean, drama potential. It could go SO BADLY for me. But it won't. Because I'm going to deal to this like a real adult. I'M A BIG KID NOW!

Yeah. On that note. HIGHLY recommend eating a watermelon in the bath. It's so good, you have no idea. Just do it. Cut the top off and scoop that delicious flesh out with a spoon. And giggle about melons. Do it. And now, I have hilarious pictures on my phone to giggle at.

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