Monday, July 18, 2011


Heeeeey bitchez!

Okay, so I know, that really, there are only 2 people reading this, but you guys are rad, and you are now both on the other side of the planet(not literally, but you're both ages away).

Tonight, I made enchiladas. They were fucking delicious. I made those bitches from scratch too. I'm proud of my effort, I'm not gonna lie. And I fed them to T-bag, and she loved them, and that's all I wanted. Shit. I just want to make delicious things and for people to eat them and be like nom nom nom and love the shit out of it.

Oh man, NERD, you're breakin my heart. Sooner or later. Shit. Psh. Still love you.

So, after we ate tastiness, we went to the movies, and watched Bridesmaid. I have to admit, I kind of really quietly rather enjoyed it. I mean, it was a chick flick, and I hate them as a personal policy, but it was actually kinda good. And this is going to sound so fucking dumb, but I really, REALLY identified with the main character, which I hate by principle, but damn, that woman had me written all over it. And T-bag was the chick getting married. And the main character, she's banging a douchebag, and she wants more but he's like naaaaaaah, and she's all like, I'm cool with it, and I saw just a couple of parallels there, and then, she meets this real nice guy, which hasn't really happened...and she liked baking, and danced awkwardly to try and get out of a ticket, which, while I haven't done, and hope not to do, I do like to dance like a spaz.

I'm going to stop making comparisons now. Fuuuuuck my spelling is terrible tonight.

This weekend we just lived, I cleaned the house. I had it all to myself for the weekend. And I cleaned it. It's fucking pristine. It's never even looked like this before. Especially not for such a long time. And when I say a long time, I mean at least 24 hours. I even did all the dinner dishes while I was waiting for dinner to cook, which previously was pretty much unheard of. I think because a)I wasn't high b)I wanted to impress T with the cleanliness c)I didn't have tv to distract me and d)it's really fucking nice having a tidy kitchen.

It makes me feel kind ease. I think there's a massive elephant in the flat at the moment though. I could be imagining it. I'm not sure. Maybe it's me. It probably is. The flat dynamic is really different without Matty in the house. And it's kind of more pronounced that...there is inequity. Mmmm. I dunno. BUT I HAVE A CLEAN HOUSE AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL!

I'm sposed to be having sexy times tomorrow night with the hot yet...I seriously want to hate him sometimes. Anyway, I'm not holding my breath. I know I'll end up disappointed. It's so hot though. G NKVDIELBFcWEHjsd It sucks balls. I'd really like to meet someone nice. It'll happen. I know. It's just been a really, really long time. So long. I'm such a fucking catch too. And I can say that, because it's between friends. That and whoever else happens to stumble across this shit and actually bothers to read it. But seriously - cooks, cleans, loves sex - what more could you want? Oh, and I'm not a retard. I realise this isn't a quality all men look for in their women, but I don't think I'm really wanting to date someone who's okay with dating some vacant bimbo. Maybe I should text that guy I met the other week. There was...chemistry. Maybe just have a drink or something...if it's awkward and not what I want it doesn't need to go any further. I shouldn't be closing off opportunities. At the same time, I'm not going to waste my time with something I don't think is going to go anywhere *ahem* shit. I really need to stop that one. If it wasn't so damn hot it would be easier. Probably, if it wasn't someone that...mmmm, that is really in my best interests to keep on side, because it is fucking rad being able to go for a spa in the middle of my work day, and...yep.

I just looked at pictures of people from school. Some people, they age well, I would like to include myself in this group of people - mostly because I'm in the best shape I've ever been, and I'd like to think my face doesn't look haggard. Some people however, do not appear to age well.

It's midnight. I should go to bed. It's late. I'm so sexually frustrated. He better fucking come round tomorrow night. I feel almost defensive already. This is probably not a good thing. Like if I have a shell, like an armadillo, I would be rolling up. I could be a hermit crab I guess. Only if I'm one of the ones that uses sea anemones to decorate its shell/protect it(fashionable AND functional).

Give me music suggestions. I want to broaden my horizons. Because it's good for you. And it's important to be learning new things, and experiencing life and blah blah blah. For serialz though, music suggestions, yes please.

Over and out XXXXX

1 comment:

  1. Arcade Fire? Bloc Party? Mazzy Star? I dunno if any of these are up your alley but I think they're what I listened to most recently.

    Heaps of people here talk like Dizzee Rascal. It's very funny but I don't want to be that tourist who keeps cracking up at inappropriate and/or weird moments...
