Thursday, July 14, 2011

Special Fatty Rights

Wouldn't it be awesome, if you could take an extra, PAID hour from your STRENUOUS working day to go to the gym? Or take 15 minute toilet breaks? Or just feel as though you were entiteled to extra things in life, just because you're a fatty? I'm talking about the guy at work, that I have over time, grown to resent so much it's beginning to lean more towards hate.

Yes, I'm going to have a vent. Possibly because I should be writing an essay, possibly because otherwise I might explode. Who can say?

He just returned from the gym. He wasn't supposed to be going today, he went yesterday. He's been allowed one day a week, special fatty allowences. I would understand if he returned from the gym, filled with vigour for life and a desire to provide the best customer service possible for the duration of his shift. But he doesn't. He returns to work, and proceeds to eat. And he eats at least 3 times the calories he's burnt. I don't even know how many calories he burns, and I realise that the larger you are, the less things you need to burn calories as say, for example, I do(I always remember the sorely disappointed feeling I had when my skipping rope told me I'd been burning way less calories than it had been claiming after I changed my weight setting). But this being said, coming back from the gym, eating a sub that more than likely has the maximum limit for sauces reached, a carrot, and a couple of boiled eggs. While he's at work, he literally consumes more food than I would in a day. And it's really funny when my boss is away, because he eats a fuckload of crap food.

He comes back from the gym after an hour or so, watches movies for 15 minutes while muching out, and finally gets on the phone.

Also, I'm not entirely sure how he manages it, but seriously, every morning, within an hour of arriving, he goes for at the least, a 10 minute toilet excursion. And in the evenings, after his last break, he's quite fond of having a 5 minute extra break(normally while other people need to be having their breaks) because of his toileting needs. ALSO, he hasn't been on time in the morning for the last 2 weeks. I would say at least 3 out of the 4 shifts I do with him he walks in and apologises for being late. He lives 5 minutes away. Seriously. He lives on Vivian St, we work on Wakefield St. He has to cross 3 roads to get here. I would only classify it as being 2 blocks away.

I'm not fatphobic. Fatties can be fatties if they want. That's up to you. But if someone is going to expect special privelleges because of their weight...nuh uh, not cool. It's like deaf people(this happened the other day) trying to get cheap/free transport, just because they're deaf. Last I heard(punpunpun) being deaf only stops you from hearing, not from being able to walk, or take public transport.

Okay. Rant complete. I can't spell today. Well, I can, but it's harder than normal. I almost didn't make it to work today because I hit sleep instead of snooze on my alarm. I still made it here on time though. Time to essay party it up!

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