Thursday, October 7, 2010


I'm up and I'm down.

Who knows where I'm going? I don't. I do know that I'm going for a run this afternoon. And that I'm quite aroused. When I say quite, I mean, I want to have sex right now. Rampant sex. With the man across the room. It's only 9:15 but we've been sending dirty texts for the past hour. It's hot. And yes, I'm aware I've been a bit like whatevs, he's a dick, but I'm perfectly entitled to change my mind whenever I want. Because that, my friends, is what I want to do, and shall continue to do, until I see fit. I'm a fickle lady, and I'm easily bought. With sexual favours.

Nah, in all honesty, was quite down last night. From the moment I left work all I wanted to do was cry. I'm not entirely sure why. I just know the urge to cry was pretty strong. So I wasted as much time as I could in Real Groove, and eventually went home, almost 2 hours after I'd finished work. I texted him on the way home. Because I hate how much time I have to think. And I told him that. And kinda just got onto general mental health stuff. And it was good. He was being supportive and sympathetic. And I appreciated it. Because I got to offload. And I said sorry for doing so, and he just said Don't be. And that was really rather helpful for me. I did cry. Because I came to the painful realisation that I hate going home because I know I'm going to be alone. And I'm SO OVER BEING ALONE.

Yep. So. That's my general shizzle at the moment.

Why is it, that every time I eat an apple, I get juice on my tits. Like, actually. Okay. Not EVERY time, but at least the last 2 times. And it doesn't matter what I'm wearing, the flavour catchers work their charm. Fucking flavour catchers. I love em though. Especially when I walk places, and I look down, and they're just doin their own thing, bouncing along, bouncing together, bouncing apart, jiggle jiggle jiggle. Titties. Love them. Hours of entertainment.

I'm posting now. I can't be bothered writing anymore. I've been given "additional" work to do. That made it sound WAY more exciting than what it is, because in reality, it's just responding to an email about fares. I should probably call the reference person for the potential employee too. I'm kinda stoked that I'm getting so many things to do. I feel like my smarts are being put to use, which is nice. Like I'm not wasting ALL my potential.


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