Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog when it's bad

I realised that's normally what I do. Because I want to have a ranty time.

Things are pretty good at the moment though. I can't really complain. I'd still like a boyfriend, but meh, that's non crucial to my happyness, more of like...a booster pack. Because I get a bit lonely sometimes. At night. When I'm rattling round my house on my own. It'd be nice to have soemone to spoon sometimes. I don't think I'm going to find it in any of the places I've been looking. Unless his apparent dislike/disintrest in anything relationshipy is just a front. I don't think it is. Or maybe it is. I don't know. He's a complicated man. He said the other day that he was struggling to fight off the urge to reproduce. Fucking tell me about it. A baby. fUCK yeah. I could totally go for one of those. Bleeding helped make me want one a little less, but I still want one. Even though babies terrify me. What are you sposed to do with them? You've gotta be gentle right? I think that's why dogs are all good. Because I can be rough with them, and they love it.

I deviated from what I was talking about. I expect that to happen. It is me after all. I'm all about the deviation. I need a coffee. Fuck I need a coffee. I've been up since 5ish. YUS! COFFEE!

So, last night. I had Pole Fitness. Yeah. I was pole dancin. It was good. I finally found out and retained what my teachers name is. Serene. I don't know if that's how she spells it. But that's what it is. She wasn't taking us though. It was a new woman from the UK who was really good, and she was really nice, but I felt like she was targeting it towards the other ladies who've been doing it for longer and Georgina and I and we kinda just got left in the background a bit because she was teaching them complicated stuff that led on from other things they were already quite confident with. I can now, however, pull my legs up onto the pole from standing. Like, pull them up above my head, wrap them on the pole, and then slowly slide down to the ground. I need to work on desensitising my inner thighs. Damn. Painful shit. Like, ow. I really want to find a pole in a playground and do some sweet spinning around on it. Because then I don't have to climb to the top first. I might actually start going on Saturday mornings because I think it would be pretty good for me, and I could build my strength and maybe work and getting those thighs a lil more numb. I CAN DO IT!

I got sunburnt on Sunday. That was a bit shit. No one likes burny boobs. Or the "I'm wearing a white singlet" when you're naked thing and you cover your nips. That's what it looks like. I have a torso of stunning white and a cleavage of ravishing red. I was rocking good cleavage that day too(had coffee with the man but actually it was ice cream which is way more awesomer) and the evidence is in the burn pattern.

Damn I wanna bone him. Hahahaha bone. It's funny. But I do. The urge to do so is always hightened by boredom. And today, I am SO bored. The phones are pretty quiet. I'm taking maybe 30 calls an hour. That's not many. Yesterday I was taking closer to 50 for most of the day. I WANT TO CAUSE MISCHIEF. MISCHIEVIOUS MISCHIEF. YES PLEASE. CAPPITY CAP CAP CAP. Eat my testicles. They taste good. Proteinous. Full of nutrients. Nom nom nom nom nom. You love it. I'm bored. I had a large flat white also. So I'm bored and full of energy but I can't really run around the office making noise because I think I would probably get in trouble. YES. Even with my special get out of shit powers, I think I would still get told off and be made to sit quietly like a good girl. And then I'll just blog some more.

My typing. Sheesh. You're lucky I'm actually looking at the words as they appear on the screen otherwise this would be illegible. The number of typos. oooooooooh, sirens.

Whoop Whoop. He left the office. Now I have nothing exciting to look at. Lame. I might go for lunch in 5 minutes because I'm feeling RATHER peckish. Maybe I could eat in civic square. That would be nice. I'm gonna have sushi. I know I'll be disappointed but I may as well let go of the dream of having excellent sushi.

It was okay sushi. It didn't kill me. That's the main thing I think. I also ate a pork bun. It was mildly disappointing. Not too badly though. I mean, I still enjoyed it, but it had way more potential awesome powers than it lived up to. Okay. I'm bored of writing shit. I have nothing more of any importance to say. Or do I? Was I ever saying anything? Important. Nothing important. I'm so bored. But blogging is stopping me from staring blankly into space. BORED!


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