Wednesday, October 20, 2010

2 years

That's how long I've been back in Wellington as of Saturday. Whoa. It's gone pretty quickly. And my how things have changed. Holy shit. I mean, I got back, I was on a super slampage. And boozing/smoking it up all the time. All the time. And now, I'm feeling like a grown up. Like I should be acting responsibly. And I am. Mostly. I've grown up a lot. And I want to do grown up things too. Like buy a house and a dog and have babies and make plans for the future that aren't just sweet parties I'm going to go to.

Oooh, I have Hummingbird(the database everything has to be saved onto at work) training in 15 minutes. So that I'll be able to save the timetables I'll be proofing. I'm kind of apprehensive about shifting downstairs. I'm worried I'm going to be really bored. Or screw stuff up. I don't have much faith in my ability. I should. I had my R&R yesterday, and effectively got told that I'm awesome, and that if I want to apply for the assistant role, I should, and that he would put in a good word for me. And not because of any extra curicular reasons either. And that if I want, he'll say good things about me when he leaves also. Which is quite exciting. And shows that even if I don't, other people have faith in my ability. And I'm going to be put...

Okay, didn't save the end of that yesterday apparently. So, I'm going to go on some course. A first aid one, a time management one, an assertiveness course(LOLOLOLOLOL I'm actually really looking forward to it because it's something I really need to work on) - I wonder if he's trying to give me a hint as to the fact that he wants me to be more assertive when it comes to banging. Probably. I need to figure out what I want before I can ask for it.

I've re-stopped smoking. I keep stopping and starting. I'm not doing very well this time round. I haven't smoked at work since I stopped in August. And mostly when I smoke now, I just have a couple at night, or recently, I've been buying 20's in the weekend. Psh. I know I can do it. I just don't have the iron will I had last time. I guess the motivation factor that I had last time isn't really an issue. Mostly because he doesn't know that I'm smoking. LOL. AHAHAHAHa. I crack me up.

I have another 30 minutes of work left. It's dragging today. Posting. 10 minutes to go. Yes. I wrote nothing for 20 minutes.

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