Sunday, April 3, 2011

Keepin it short

I'm keeping this to a bare minimum, because I'm tired, and cranky, and ever so slightly hung, so I could turn this into a MASSIVE RANT. But I'm not going to. I don't think. Look! I got new boots!

Yes, that is a wedge heel. I wore them for the entirety of last night, and even walked all the way down Brooklyn Hill, which is quite the hill to walk down in any form of heel. But I totes managed it. And I think we will be having many magical adventures together this winter. I'm hoping for no ice. Icy roads/footpaths freak me out. I can blame Dunedin for that one. I think it should be okay this year though because the city doesn't ice up. Does it? I don't think it does.

So. Lately. I have been getting the high fives for the banging, but also the "He's not good enough" for you thing. I know. He's hot. But he isn't good enough. But will anyone ever be? Wait. Yes. I know someone who would get instant approval. If only he wanted me. Wait, no, he does, but it's complicated. Not complicated really, because it's quite straight forward. Are you enjoying this circular conversation I'm having with myself? I can keep going. Anyway. He whose name shall not be spoked. Voldemort. Actually, I'm referring to him as Voldemort for the rest of this post. I may make it ongoing.

So Volde, he's still messing with my head a bit. So much hot and cold. One minute he's eating me out and having cuddles and open conversations with me, and the next he's being a diiiiiiiiick, making me feel like...well, like shit I guess. Because I'm pretty up and down for the most part. Up more often than not. But still, kinda fragile. Just a bit. Things get to me more than I would ever care to admit. Especially to him. I don't want him to know how he affects me. I'm sure he can see it. If he looked he would. I feel my face drop. Is it really necessary to tell everyone about the hot coffee chick who would appear to want to get in your pants? You're an attractive man, I get it. It's not like I talk about all the guys that hit on me. Fuck. I'd be there for hours(LOLOLOLOL). But seriously, I'd only mention one that was particularly noteworthy, done in a fashion that requires talking about because it was so hilarious/flattering/weird. He is incredibly insecure. Not that he would ever admit that. But really, I know it's true. He's hung up on his past as a fatty. All he can do is talk about girls he used to fuck or girls that want to fuck him. You know what? It's real easy to make him unattractive(not physically, can't deny the facts) when he isn't around making me swoon with his hotness. He can be real sweet too, but not in the office. He has to have his asshole persona in full force.

Bastard didn't even tell me I was going to be working with Debra today. That was a nice surprise to walk into this morning. Just what I always wanted.

Feels like I ate a pack of cigarettes last night. Burning ones. My throat feels raw. Like I attacked it with cigarette sandpaper. Must give up. Not good for me. Love it though. Sheesh. Why do all the good things have to be so bad for me?

Do you know what this isn't? Short. I'm going to have a nap on my break. Because fuck I need one. Sleeeeeeeeep. It's only 10:46. AM. Okay. Break time now. Post time now.

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