Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm in trouble


Gosh darnit. Well, I assume I'm in trouble. I would be suprised if she wasn't at least slightly angry at me.

So, on Saturday, Matty and I were hanging, and it was rad. We were making tasty tasty food, and having a gay old time. She was playing on facebook. On one of her millions of applications. She has a problem. We were just trying to help in the way that has helped both of us many times. By a little bit of friendly shit giving. We didn't expect her to have a spaz, and start crying. I start laughing every time I think about it. Shit was hilarious. I mean, really. "Just shut up okay, it's my only vice and wah wah wah". We stopped. She then had a cigarette with Matty. She's weak. Anyway. So, afterwards she apologised, and I tried to explain that it was just friendly shit giving, because she does have a problem(honestly, she has so many she could spend a whole day on them and still be able to do more shit), and we're just trying to help the way that we know works (I would like to site my physical aggression and inability to say "th"s as success stories for this method). She almost started crying again so I dropped it.

She went out later on(after her bf did his typical jealous thing and I stated that I had "nothing to say on the matter" because I'm sick of hearing the same shit every time, and her not listening to a word I say on the matter). That was fine, she can do whatever she wants, APART from showering at 3am when she gets home. That is NOT cool. I'm real angry about it. Still. And that was 2 days ago. My room is right next to the bathroom. The shower is directly through the wall, next to my head when I sleep. HOW CAN YOU BE SO INCONSIDERATE? And because I got woken up(initially I thought it was just the light going on because the fan is noisy and she can't help that so I wasn't angry), I had to pee, and she was in the bathroom, and I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep until I'd peed, so I popped a squat on the slab outside. And then I went back to bed, and I couldn't get to sleep, because she was in the shower and making heaps of noise, so I sent her a text saying "Thanks for waking me up." I didn't get back to sleep before she sent me a reply saying "Sorry." By this stage I'd spent 20 minutes building some massive rage because I was so frustrated and unable to get back to sleep and couldn't believe how inconsiderate she was being. So in reply to her sorry text, I sent one back saying:
"It would be cool if next time when you get home at 3am you remember that your flatmate who has issues sleeping has work at 10 and her head is right next to the shower"

SHe didn't reply after that. She wasn't home last night. There were more dishes when I got home. SO MANY DISHES. I have flatmate rage. I'm the only motherfucker who does anything anymore.I do realise I'm the only one home a lot of the time, but that doesn't stop them from coming home, creating dishes, and leaving again. Thursday night is a prime example of this. I did all the dishes before anyone got home. Clean slate. Rach was cooking Louse and I dinner, which is nice, thanks for that. And Hans cooked Simone dinner. Cool. How sweet. NEITHER OF THEM CLEANED UP AFTER. Like, couldn't even rinse the dishes. LEAVE THE EMPTY CANS IN THE SINK WITH WATER IN THEM. YOu don't have to soak it. Just rinse it, maybe scrub it a smidge, the foods still fresh, it'll come right off. That way, when I do them, I don't have to wash them all twice because I'm OCD about the cleanliness of my dishes. And it would be nice if there wasn't food sitting on the plates, especially the ones they've piled up in the sink. I'M SO ANGRY!

Okay. That's actually all the angry I have to get out I think. My neck is itchy. It's lame.

Yesterday was actually an AWESOME day. I worked. It was rad. RAD. YES! So good. So so good. Nom nom nom nom nom. No penetration it's true, but I'm preeeeeeeetty content all the same. It actually is only a matter of time. It's just round the corner. Annnnnny day now. I'm real happy with that part. REAL HAPPY. Filled with joy. Over the moon.

I'm gonna go have a cuppa. It's 8:14am. WAY TOO EARLY. Shits real funny.


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