Saturday, March 12, 2011

I don't know if he will.

But you know what? The caring is starting to fade.

So, he's supposed to be coming round tonight. I don't know if he's going to. He's in a grump, and while it's not necessarily with me, I tried to tell him he should go home because he really isn't needed, and it's bringin me down man. Stop being so grumpy. Yes, I understand that things are shit right now, that's why I want to take you home and fuck you like crazy. SEX MAKES EVERYTHING BETTER(there are certain exceptions to this rule, but you know what I mean). Ejaculate on my face. Or whatever. It doesn't matter. Just fuck me, and you'll be happier I'm almost 100% certain. But I don't know if he will.

Either way. Tonight, I want to get laid, because I can. Because I'm a hot butch(hahahahaha) bitch, and if I wanna have sex, I'm going to have sex. Period. Nothing more to say on the matter about me gettin laid.

I got myself some stockings. They're....I don't want to use...they're nude stockings. I didn't want to use beige. I would call them camel over beige, just because of the connotations. Anyway, they have a black back seam. Maybe I could get myself a man with a fetish. Maybe it's time to have a sugar daddy. But not like Princess. That didn't work for me. I don't know how I'd be with domination. I mean, me dominating them. I'm pretty submissive. And I like to be told what to do, rather than telling them. I don't know. I'll work on that.

Wait, wait wait wait. Does it seem like maybe, maybe, I'm getting less....broody? I mean, do I seem less angst ridden? Maybe? I feel like I'm possibly less angry all the time. Maybe because I got to bang the person I'd been wanting to bang for AT LEAST 3 years. Maybe? Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe I just needed to cut loose a lil. Perhaps? I just don't know. But either way, it's getting better. I still want to do nothing more than burst into tears some days, but really, it's not that bad.

I bought my ass some sweet sweet heart shaped cookie cutters. Cos I'm going to make sassy love heart cookies. It's going to be glorious. I'm going to make ones that say "Hot Bitch" and "slut" and..."fuck me" and other things I probably shouldn't take with me to work to eat. I think it will be really fun. Because I'm coooooool. I'm going to try for "Clit Tease" and "Cock Tease" ones too. "Nice Tits". Random compliments. I might go for some sexist remarks. I don't have heaps of space. And I don't technically have an icing anything, I'm going to do it with a ziplock bag with a tiny hole in the end and it's going to be beautiful. I'll take pictures. Pictures are necessary. Maybe I should make a blog called "Perfect Pies and Cool Cookies" I'm not going to call it that. It does require alliteration. And it needs Pie and Cookie in the title. Because lets face it, that's mostly what it will be about. Because I want to start making cookies again, because I'm good at them, and nothing gets out a lil frustration like beating some butter. And pies, well, I like making pies. They taste good.

Oh. I just remembered. I also have a hot new g string. I haven't tried it on yet. I'm assuming it will be hot. And I don't think it's one that's going to cut my butt to shreds either which is always good. No one wants a cut up butt. Never., no, I can't think of any reason.

Ugh. He's just sitting over there looking SO SULKY. He won't even look at me. It's cool. Whatevs. His loss if he doesn't want to fuck a smokin hot bitch like me. Fuck yes. I feel old me coming back. It's coming back strong. By the end of next week I'm going to be so freakin full of myself. WATCH OUT WORLD! I'M BACK BITCHES!

I just wish to state that the spell check doesn't recognise the word clit. Fuck you blog, you better fuckin recognise.

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