Friday, March 4, 2011



BAH! I AM SO FRUSTRATED RIGHT NOW. I've been bleeding all week, and all I want to do is fuck, and you're dangling the carrot in front of me. Just out of my reach. Just teasing me. You know I want it. Don't say you're going to do something and then not do it. I can't handle that kind of disappointment right now. It's too much for my pent up brain to handle. Just put your cock inside me. Yes please. FUCKING DO IT.

I have a booger in my nose. I don't know if it's visible to the rest of the world or not. It's too far up to easily remove. I'll assume it's safely tucked away. I'm getting hot and sweaty. That's how much I'm fighting everything my body wants to do. It's not fair. I want to fuck. Fuck me. FUCK ME! DO IT!

In other news, I appear to have dropped 1kg since moving into my new abode. Probably all that salad and healthy things I've been eating. But for reals. I'm down to 62.1 according to my scales. The pie and cheese diet is nigh. Maybe once I get below 62. Maybe. It was going to be 61, but I quite want to have an excuse to eat cheese and pie. Because that shit is delish. So long as I don't eat cheese before I go to sleep at night.

Earthquakes. I think I should bring this up. There have been two I've felt in the past 2 days. I'm not overly worried, because I like to think that we're having small ones in order to release the pressure, rather than having a huge one and getting it all out at once. Now see, this, this may not be true, but I'm choosing to believe it, because to be perfectly honest, I can't do anything to stop an earthquake. If it happens, it happens, nothing I can do to stop it, all I can do is be prepared and hope for the best. So, mmmm. 40 seconds left of my break. And then I have to take calls. 20 seconds...

BAH!#UQ@$H*@&Q$Y@#RK I still want sex. I like how it made it a link to an "email address". I may be doing to see the Dufraines tonight. I'll get my dance on. Maybe remove some of that energy. Maybe I'll fuck someone else. WHo knows? Who fucking knows. I need to do something though. I feel like crying. That's how much sexual frustration I have. Sure, I could masturbate, but really, I don't think that's going to cut it. Unless I can get some kind of device that will make out with me at the same time and maybe touch my boobs and suck on my nipples from time to time. I don't think it's going to happen. The magical masturbation that is. I want the physical contact. I'm not going to get that from my vibrator. I hope that....fuck. What was I going to say? I got interrupted by a call.

I'm feeling grumpy. Fuck. Look at what XTREME(yes, if it's in caps, it isn't going to have an e at the beginning) sexual frustration does to me. It makes me ANGRY. SO ANGRY. SO MUCH ANGRY ANGRY ANGRY. Maybe that's why I want to cry. The angry makes me teary. And schweaty. DO fucking angry. I don't have any control over the angry. He just left. Maybe now I'll be able to calm down. Maybe. I hope I get a text back from my lady rock. She's my rock. She's keeping me stable. Probably the only thing that's stopping me from losing my shit.

So, I sent him a text saying "You know, if you don't want to do something, you should just say" and he replied with "I'm not well today put it like that" and I was like "okay" cos, what else do you say? I don't know. I just don't know. And then he said that he's actually very stressed out. Honestly, just tell me that. I'm an understanding lady. SO UNDERSTANDING! OMG. Crap. I'm not even angry now. I'm too fucking understanding. This is how I become a pushover.

Aw crap. Everyone around me is being all "The earthquake is coming" and being all pessimistic and shit. That's not how I roll. I don't need to be immersed in that. It's not good for my soul. It's bad for my soul even. Don't drag me on the Pessimism Express. I'm gonna ride my optimism till the bitter end.

Okay. I'm gonna stuff some envelopes. I'm still feeling mopey. Angry. Not at him. Hormonal angry I think. I don't know. I'm kind of tired too. Love yaw. XOXO

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