Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A day in the life

Of me. Who else would I write about? I'm not going to be living anyone elses life am I?

I have an hour left of work. I'm going to a pole dancing class when I finish for the night. QUITE EXCITED. It should be awesome. And a release of energy I'm well overdue for. I need to start exercising more. Or having sex with a certain someone. Either or. I think I'll go with exercise though. It seems more achievable and set to my own schedule. Cos working him in is way too hard. Not that I'm not trying.

Apparently, the men of my office building have been discussing me around the water cooler. I'm kinda stoked. Just a smidge. Like, I have a pretty high personal opinion of myself, but this is just awesome. It is kind of disconcerting however when you have to talk to one of the men you're 99% sure would have been talking about wanting to bang you 10 minutes after you've been told they're talking about you. Does that make sense? I don't have names, I just got told that I'm "causing quite a stir among the young men" and "A lot of people think you're hot, put it that way". That means, I make men in this office's penis's hard. Right? Yeah. It so does.

I did baking last night. It wasn't real successful. I think cookies aren't really my forte. Pies, muffins and cakes are all great. Cookies are just...I don't know. Maybe I just haven't made cookies in too long and I should have used a recipe that I'm familiar with rather than free styling because I don't have chocolate chips and I'm adding peanut butter instead and probably(I'm, pretty sure it was my main problem) the fact that I was being too impatient with them and didn't allow them their desired amount of oven time. I think that was the problem.

I think I need to pee. I haven't been since I got here at 9:30, and that was 8 hours ago, and I've been drinking quite a bit of water. Yes. In a minute. I need to find my swiper. That would help. It's mildly frustrating that I need one to pee.

BETTER! And that's right. I just wrote about my need for urination. I just told my boss I require a special spy code name if he wishes to use me for spying purposes. It's only fair.

I wanted to wax my legs last night. I did. I hadn't waited long enough for my sweet sweet leg hair growth. I'm too impatient! Also, I got sick of the fact that my legs were hairy. I got maybe half the hairs. No, I'd put it at closer to 75%. It was impossible to get them all though. It'll be fine.

I'm so excited about going to Japan. 57 Sleeps! OMG! Okay! I'm gonna go now! POLE DANCING!!!!! Amazing. I'll babble about how it goes tomorrow.

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