Monday, July 12, 2010

You put the doodle in my snicker.

So, snickerdoodles. Awesome. Simple yet delicious. Although mildly time consuming, but then again I did perfect my technique on the last 6 after already making 36...I got me a sweet battle scar on my hand too from when I tried to remove the shit from the bottom of the oven because it was starting to produce mildly acrid smoke that was burning my eyes a little and accidentally touched the rack thing... Yeah, I have burns. After tonight I'll have bruises too. They'll be on my legs though so I can hide them easier. I have pole dancing classes, not a planned beating in case you were concerned.

I've reached an extreme level of sexual frustration. I haven't been this pent up in a long long time. It's not that I can't get sex, it's that I can't get the sex that I crave, and no other sex will be an adequate substitute. Okay, there might be one other guy that could satisfy me, but I don't think that's going to happen. The problem with my current frustration, is that I spend at least 20 hours a week in his presence, and there's flirting, and the occasional make out or ass grab, and even more occasionally there's a lil bit of oral, but not sex, which is what I want. What I really, truly, want more than anything else I can think of right now. IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE! I've started dreaming about having sex with him. The past two nights. I'm sure I will again tonight. That is of course if I have enough sleep to get to the dreams I can remember stage. But it's getting retarded. He's addicted to the tension. It is pretty hot. Like, very very hot. But I think most things are getting that way right now. Dammit! If he said he didn't want to bang again, it would be all good, sure, it won't make me less frustrated, but I'd still be able to move on and forward and maybe try and focus all my...desire, on someone else.

Speaking on desire. I need to get rid of...shit. I need to come up with pseudonyms. Well call him...Too Attached. Or TA for short. So, TA, I need to talk to him real bad. Because as his name may suggest, he's gotten too attached, and he's a super sweet guy, I just don't want to date him. And I feel like I'll just be leading him on if I let things continue the way they have been, I'm just going to break his heart. Worse than I probably will already. I don't think he's put together the pieces of me only going home with him when I'm trashed. I'm just too affectionate. It's who I am. I'm an affectionate lady. That's probably confusing for him. I just have some much affection to give. SO MUCH! That's why I need a dog. But I can't get one of those until I've travelled around and I'm ready to settle down. I think that's about 2 years away. Maybe I'll get one for my...27th birthday. I'm getting old.

Returning to work...facebook is unblocked. YUS!

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