Monday, July 26, 2010

Too much

Today, I feel a touch run down. I just haven't had enough sleep. I need some more sleep. I don't have time to have any more sleep than I'm presently getting though. I just don't have enough time at the moment. I'm consumed with thinking about fucking him, and I know I'm not going to get to do it for quite some time, and I just don't UGH. Dammit! This shits too much. TOO MUCH. I'm actually being tortured. Even as we speak. Well, as I type. You know.

I'm so sleepy today. So so sleepy. And cold. I've been so cold for the last 2 days. I need to do some washing when I get home. That is of course after I've had my pole class. And while my clothes are washing I can make laksa. I've pretty much figured out everything I'm eating for the rest of the week. I made massive soup last night. Pretty tasty. I ate like 3 bowls. That's way more than I needed. I was concerned I might vom, but I was all good. And now I have lunch today, a big bowl in the fridge, and 2 lots of frozen soup so I'm uber prepared and can always have a delicious, healthy meal. I love vegetables. Tomorrow night there's gonna be a burger party. It's going to be awesome. I'm really looking forward to eating some meat. Tonight will be fish laksa which is also highly awesome. And on Thursday I'm having vegetarian lasagne with ummm, eggplant as a pasta substitute. I might use lasagne sheets as well cos, well, I love pasta. It's dericious. I don't need food on Friday night in case you were concerned. I'ma be on illicit substances instead. I will be eating before consuming such things of course. Gotta be responsible...

LOLOLOLOLOL Noddy. What a funny guy. You can try as hard as you want to get into my pants hun, but you aren't getting in. I promise. It doesn't matter how hard you try, I'm really not attracted to you. At all. Your curly hair and rosey cheeks aren't doing it for me. Your chin that makes me think of the moon isn't getting me wet. I still remember your issues with erectile dysfunction. I'm not going to hold that against you because I understand these things happen, but it's hardly a glowing recommendation. You dated 2 of my friends(that I no longer see very frequently) and I would say that you slept with them, and that was a contributing factor as to why I don't want to sleep with you, but I'm not actually entirely sure that you did due to this occurring during your period of erectile dysfunction. Either way, I have no desire to sleep with you. You are barely taller than me, and that's just not tall enough. I think I have a new minimum height requirement of 180cm. Yup. I'm gonna be flexible with that one, but lets face it, I like my men tall.

Bit of an emo day today. I think it's just because I'm tired and I can't be bothered with anything. It's all just a little too hard for me right now. And I think I just felt the twinge of a headache coming on. AWESOME. Today is just getting better by the minute. I'm gonna go mope and look at things on the internetz. Things just aren't going my way. Or at least not enough my way that I can be happy with. Hehe, I just realised that I wasn't logged back in yet. Oops.

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