Wednesday, July 21, 2010


On Tuesday I was told, that a member of a friends band that I see all too frequently, believes I should change my dancing style. Because my present style is too distracting. WIN! Almost the ultimate win as far as I'm concerned, because it's a compliment wrapped in disapproval, my favourite kind. Just like when women hate on me when I know I look hot. And I pretty much always look hot. And yes, I do have a high opinion of myself. But people made me that way. Stop inflating my ego if it's bothering you.

I got asked today if I'd be prepared to put forward a formal complaint about someone at work. I said yes, as long as she doesn't know, because I would have sooooo much hell to pay if she ever found out. I think they're hoping to get rid of her. Which would be kinda funny, considering she's the reason I knew about this job. Ah irony. I should put through my complaints.

I hope I can get my hair cut soon. I mean, on Friday. Or failing that, some morning next week. Because that would be awesome. So so awesome. My roots be bothering me. Oh god I'm tired. 1 hour, 40 minutes to go. I should in theory be finishing at 8, because I started at 11:30(unpaid lunch break...) but no, that would be way too easy, and I like to make things harder for myself, especially at work. So I'm doing 11:30 - 9. Schweet. My fave. Actually, this will be the first day where I've done more hours than a regular shift, and it's only one hour extra. Normally I just lose a day of time off. I have a WHOLE weekend off next weekend. Exciting stuff. It's good because I plan on taking some recreactional drugs. And time off afterwards is always a good thing. Not that I'll be taking mind bending drugs. Just ones that make me use energy I don't actually have. I miss the mind bending ones. I haven't had them since the year began.

I should really deal to these complaints. They're such bullshit ones. But I guess if it was me making the complaints I'd want them to be processed and wouldn't think they were bullshit.Let it be on the record though, that I think Phoenix and Lara's complaints are rubbish.

I...yeah, I just took 20 minutes out of blogging to reply to an enquiry and then deleting a bunch of messages. And then email my boss about the overtime I was sposed to be getting paid for last week.

I need to do my nails. OOooh, I went to pole classes on Monday, and I learnt the retarded caterpillar. It's not actually called that. It's just what it looks like when I do it. I think I figured it out last night though. You have to lie down on your front, and kinda lift yourself up from your butt. I should upload a video. I like the teacher of the class though. She used to do ballet, and she's so graceful and all of her moves are so controlled. One day. I...yeah, I don't know that I'll ever be capable of that much grace, but I'm sure gonna try!


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