Monday, July 19, 2010

Would you like to dance with...

So, Saturday night, successfully got trashed. Well trashed. So wasted in fact that by the time I got to the Cavern to watch the boys play, I needed to leave and have a burger. I somehow managed to purchase the correct burger. I was quite trashed. It made me better though and I was ready to party.

I'm dancing away, as I always do, dancing like a stripper who has no pole, and this woman comes up to me, and she was like "Excuse me, (turns me around to where her friends are) would you like to dance with one of my friends (gestures her arm towards a group of no less than 6 males who are all at least in their 40's and not in the slightest bit attractive)?" I gave one of them a pity dance. For being so pathetic and incapable of asking me themselves. BE A MAN! Grow so testicles. Ask me yourself. I'm drunk enough that I'm not going to say no, and if you creep me out I'm just going to ignore you and dance with my friends instead. Sheesh.

It was real fun though. And I got to hang with all my favourite straights. It was nice. And after, we kept drinking, and had deep and meaningful conversations. It was awesome. And then, then, I went home with a boy I probably shouldn't have. Not because it was wrong, but because it was disappointing. That's right. PRETTY DISAPOINTING. It should have been better. But you know what? It's okay. I just know not to go home with him again. It was reeeeal funny though, cos he was trying to be sneaky, and not have anyone know that we were leaving to have sex, but I was like, why do you care? Everyone here will know exactly what I'm up to. These are the people who know me best. There are no secrets at this table. But he was pretty crap. No stamina. WHERE'S THE STAMINA! You need to put in more effort if you aren't capable of going the distance.

This is going to be a bad follow on from that story, based purely on the fact that it makes me look like a slut. I am. A bit. Much less so than I was, and I mostly sleep with the same people, I just cycle through them every now and then and have patches where I sleep with certain people more than others. And to be fair, I would quite happily sleep with only one person for the rest of my days. Quiiiiite happily.

So, I had to pick up my shoes yesterday, and boy was I glad I did. Tables and oral sex are amazing, amazing things. And, suprisingly enough, an excellent cure for hangovers. Well, not a cure, but it makes you feel waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better. Soooooo much better. LOVE IT. So good. It made going to the vege market way more bearable. I don't enjoy the vege market cos there are so many people and it becomes overwhelming and you just want to buy some fresh vege but there are too many people for you to get through to get to them and it's so intense and there are all these happy looking couples and they make me sick and there are so many foreign people which doesn't normally bother me but in such a large quantitys and with a hang over and so many things going on around you and I couldn't find any good spinach! I love spinach. They only had shitty spinach though. It broke my heart a little. But now I have grapes. And mushrooms. And I'm really looking forward to eating copious amounts of vegetables this week.

After I got home, I was going to make fruit salad, but I got high while I was trying to construct it, and just ended up eating pieces of fruit. I like mangoes. They're real tasty. It wasn't the most amazing mango I've ever eaten, but it was still pretty good. Maybe the drugs helped that one...

So, ate some fruit, wandered around without any purpose, and decided I should go to the supermarket. Not the one in Newtown because it sucks balls and annoys the crap out of me. I hate that supermarket. It's expensive and has sweet fuck all in the way of selection. Drives me crazy. So, I caught the bus to Pak'n Save(also, hate that supermarket) and it was so hard. Like, I was way too high to be navigating one of their giant trolleys(I swear they're bigger than other supermarkets ones) and there were so many people and I was super awkward and listening to my music really loudly and it was just so so hard. And I was buying food for the week so...ugh. So hard. I spent more than I should have too. Mostly because I saw things and was like "That would be nice to have" and bought it. This is a problem I have. I impulse buy. But not too badly. Which is good. Because it would be embarassing to get to the check out and not have enough money. Not that this hasn't happened before.

I decided I need to get my license on that journey. Carrying excessive amounts of cans isn't good. The bus stop is pretty far from my abode coming back too. I wanted to cook my lovely Louse some delicious vegetables, but had a sneaking suspision dramatic flatmate had invited people over for dinner. And she had, which is fine, but she asked if I could cook. I don't have a problem with cooking for a group of people, but since we're paying for food individually, I didn't really want to pay for everyone to eat. I can't afford it with impending Japan trip. So instead she got her boyfriend to cook for us. Which is cool. I don't mind that at all. It was a carb extravaganza. Like, pasta, mashed potato and swede, and garlic bread. With a small portion of salad. I wanted to eat more vegetables. Green ones. Couldn't. Ate grapes after dinner instead. I quite like her boyfriend, he's nice, and cooks tasty things. I don't like how dramatic likes to constantly go on about how lovely he is and how he does nice things for her ALL THE TIME. Maybe if I was in a relationship, it wouldn't matter so much, I'm not sure. It would probably still bother me.

I cried this morning. Because I was angry. And frustrated. And hating the fact that my room is next to the bathroom/the shower is RIGHT next to my head through a wall. And when the light gets switched on the fan is also switched on, and it wakes me up. And the shower door is noisey. So even if I manage to get back to sleep once they get in the shower, I get woken up again when they get out. And so when dramatics boyfriend(she's so co-dependent it's not even funny) gets up to have a shower at 6:30, and then she gets up to have a shower just after 7, I'm wide awake and angry and so furious I can't get back to sleep and then I worry about there being no hot water when I want to shower, and I'm so agitated I have to have a cigarette. But I don't have any ciggies, so I have to put on clothes and walk to the shop, and I'm still crying because I'm way too tired to be doing this shit. It's retarded I know. I just get so angry in the morning when I get rudely awoken. SO ANGRY.

I think that's enough ranty rant time. Yes. Indeed. Time to find something else to do for the next 6 hours. Pole class tonight. I'm looking forward to hurting. Hopefully I don't get all retarded on it and incapable of doing things by the end of the class. I did last week. The crane...sheesh.

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